As part of our project activities,

we also focus on the design of complete power units for hot water and hot water heat generation, low and high pressure steam generation, power units for electricity generation and high-efficiency combined heat and power generation.

In the field of power units

of hot-water and hot-water units of heat production, low- or high-pressure steam production, we design power units where biomass, natural gas, biogas, fuel oil, diesel, wood chips, gasoline, kerosene, or cereal straw are used as fuel.

In the field of power generation,

we carry out the design of power units aimed at utilising the energy potential of fuel for power generation using steam turbines, the Rankine Organic Cycle, the steam engine, gas turbines, hot air turbines with external combustion, internal combustion engines, paraphane units, biogas plants and high-efficiency combined heat and power generation.

D&T Solutions s.r.o.

We focus on the design of new energy units, as well as the reconstruction and streamlining of existing energy systems.

The basis for the design of the basic parameters of the project is our technical analysis of the individual energy systems and on the basis of it the design of a suitable technical solution from which the individual stages of the project documentation are based. We process all stages of project documentation from studies, project documentation for planning proceedings, project documentation for construction proceedings to implementation projects.